Val's Story
17th of June, 2019
We couldn’t really have launched Pebble Healthcare, without featuring this wonderful lady, Val. Val was someone who both Nicola and Lorraine spent many years supporting before embarking on their new venture, and although physically weak, suffering with mental health illnesses and getting out and about being a huge effort for her, with support she enjoyed living her life to the max.
This photograph and knowing Val, means the world to Nicola and Lorraine, like so many others. It sums up what they now want to achieve for all their service users at Pebble Healthcare, no matter what the adversity, life can still be lived and loved.
Both Nicola and Lorraine, with others had the pleasure of support Val right to the end, and could not think of a more fitting tribute to launch Pebble Healthcare, to this wonderful, feisty, funny lady who has shaped their lives, jobs and the way they want to deliver care for the future of their service users.
Val sums up what Pebble Healthcare is. The heart.
Val this one’s for you – as always Nicola and Lorraine x